BUILDVIO team members will assist you to prepare and attend an ECB hearing, by doing research and optionally presenting your case at Environmental Control Board (ECB).


BUILDVIO Report is the first necessary step to prepare for ECB hearing. It will tell You options and solutions for the violation. Based on the report we can: 


1. Estimate correction proof needed, to prove that correction was made, prior to Environmental Control Board review. Some proof may require hiring a third party inspection.

2. Plan Mediation. Based on our research we will be able to determine penalties and fees required to resolve the violation, and remedies offered.

3. Strategize lobbying for hardship cases. Certain cases require an intervention, especially in the event of unnecessary hardship.

Therefore, the first step is: Start Right Now:

First: find out for FREE if a building has violations; Or you can skip and go to the second step and order our BUILDVIO Report, to learn how to resolve your building violations at an ECB hearing and get an estimate of fees and penalties and available remedies.

BUILDVIO Report. Start Here.




Check for free if house or building has violations

 House No.:








Find out more details about the property and exactly how to resolve building violations you've already found.



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Why do you need BUILDVIO Report?

Would you love to experience the joy of owning a home or a building, while avoiding the hassle and expense of removing building violations, ECB court appearances, and maintenance associated with property ownership?

If so then BUILDVIO Team is right for you.

BUILDVIO Report Photos:

Our Building Violations History report is a convenient, affordable, and serve all the same functions as an instruction guide to removing violations. Get a Platinum Report to have a complete survey of building violations and existing conditions, including drawings prepared in AutoCAD, which may help you save money when hiring contractors and Architects, by providing them with base drawings. Or opt for a standard, inexpensive, building violations report to enhance your understanding of building's condition that may become a liability of enormous proportions. Our reports offer the most economically viable solution to get you to make an intelligent decision, when buying or maintaining a house or a building in New York City.

Why pay thousands or tens-of-thousands for building violations that can be avoided by studying our report, when you could pay a fraction of the price for the BUILDVIO Report and avoid buying a lemon?

Combine the cost benefits with the added ease of use, and BUILDVIO Report will have you become informed about the property , providing you more safety and savings for your money.

BUILDVIO Report will do the trick to prevent you from buying a home or a building with building violations and complaints. No matter where in New York City you buy your Real Estate, getting your info about it will be a cinch. Once received via email, the BUILDVIO Reports can be stored on your laptop or mobile device, and taken to negotiate a better deal with a seller, as they don't take up that much space. Store it anywhere, take it anywhere. Give it to your Real Estate Attorney to write into a sales contract; take it to the Mortgage Company to figure out if such violations may prevent your approval; or give it to a GC (builder, general contractor) to price the cost of corrective demolition or construction. Your report will get you closer to a building code compliant property, safer living, and a peace of mind, faster, cheaper, and easier than ever before.


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It is important to get your building code violation cleared as soon as you are hit with one. The first step towards this is to correct the specific structural anomalies on your property that falls outside the approved building code in the city where you live.  



More intresting posts from are available here.


Customer's Testimonials:

"We received our BuildVio report last week and were able to study it over the weekend and we were totally impressed. The delivery was prompt, the info was excellent...even the 311 caller complaints were included so that we know everything what is wrong with the property we were about to buy. We bought the report specifically to buy a home without violations to be approved for funding. We needed something to save us time from falling in love with a wrong house. We found that the building we were about to buy had a history of complaints about illegal conversions, so once we got out of the purchase offer, to find a better home, we can go to various buildings in the area and not have to be worried to waste our time...or worse buy a home with violations." Stan, Brooklyn